Your backstage pass to all things Troy Brewer and OpenDoor as Troy and his tribe of world-changers take on hell with a water pistol by demonstrating the heart of Jesus to a hurting world.

God’s Word makes it clear – you are to have a ministry inside the church and a mission outside the church doors. Pastor Troy shares the tools to succeed in ministry through this enlightening series.

Prophecy is not just for biblical times. It’s for you today! Learn what prophecy is, how to develop your skills and use the gift of prophecy to speak God’s truth to people for their strengthening.
Get the inside scoop on Troy Brewer Ministries! Tap into these special prophetic insights and in-depth interviews with Troy’s ministry partners and special guests. Hear the top Christian voices on topics of vital concern to the Church in these last days. Recorded for radio – audio only.
Experience real life and transformation with Troy’s power-packed annual conferences. These special three-part teaching marathons will give you a new window into the prophetic and help you find your Kingdom destiny. Numbers That Preach, Looking Up, Supernatural Sanity, Invasion, New Beginnings, Typology – they’re all here!
Stream future conferences live, right here!